In my book, Running to Catch Up: Winning in Spite of Myself, I delve into the various fears I have accumulated throughout my life. These fears include public speaking, adventure, and the fear of losing everything. Fortunately, the fear of air travel is not something I personally struggle with, but I have noticed that many of my adult friends do. These are young, healthy, and vibrant women who have the financial means and time to travel, yet their fears have held them back. They find themselves helplessly watching others experience the things they long to experience. While I may not share their fear of air travel, I can certainly empathize with how they must feel. Ever since I made the decision to live my best life at the age of 52, I couldn’t imagine a future without air travel, especially as I think about post-retirement.
The main purpose of “Authenticity,” is to help women achieve their life goals, whatever they may be. So, I ask myself, “How can I assist my vibrant and healthy friends, as well as women like them, who want to travel to faraway places, have the means and time to travel, but are held back by fear?”
Step 1: Create a travel bucket list
At this stage, it doesn’t matter that you’re afraid. You’re simply writing down your wish list. Include every city, state, and country you’ve ever dreamed of visiting. Look at this list often and envision your travel future.
Step 2: Choose one destination (ideally your top choice) and start your research
Even though you’re still afraid, it doesn’t matter. At this stage, you are exploring the possibilities. Most major cities and tourist destinations have websites that provide all the necessary information, including the nearest airport, hotel accommodations, attractions, and tours. For example, whenever I travel to Las Vegas, my go-to website is Regardless of how experienced a traveler you are, things change, and there’s always something new to learn. These websites offer the most up-to-date information about what’s happening. When the time comes, this research will help you create an itinerary for your visit.
Step 3: Choose a travel date six months to one year in the future and request time off from work
At this stage, you are getting excited about your future travels. You can see the possibilities and envision yourself on the beach or on the ski slopes. Start discussing your plans with your spouse or a friend and line up potential travel buddies. Get their commitment to travel with you
and request the necessary time off from work.
Once you’ve requested time off, mark the vacation date on your calendar. Since you have six months to a year before your expected travel date, there’s nothing else to do right now. Let the excitement grow and start working on your itinerary.
In Part 2 of “Fear of Air Travel,” we will address the next steps in your air travel journey. I promise you won’t be alone—I will be there to help you reach your destination!